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Friday, April 11, 2008

Now He's Just Picking a Fight

AUGUSTA, GA. - Frankly, the Tim McDonald at stuff didn't bother me that much. Of course McDonald was offended. No one likes to have their mistakes pointed out to them in a public forum. But Scott... well, he just can't let things go. He's like a pit bull. He locks his jaws until he either overpowers his opponent or they just give up. I told him to cease fire, but Scott e-mailed McDonald back, trying to pacify him and offering to show him around the next time he was in town.

"Honestly dude, we can laugh about this... it is no big deal. You made a mistake and learned a lesson we all learn in the business," Scott wrote.

"Uh, honey, he's not going to take that as well as you'd like," I warned him skeptically.
"Why not? It's no big deal!" he said, and clicked send. Oh, god.

McDonald didn't take it well: "I'll tell you what's funny -- a "booster" from a podunk, small-time station, married to a phony con artist from a two-bit rag telling me about journalism lessons."

Scott explained to him that he doesn't work for a podunk, small-time station, that in fact WGAC has won Station of the Year for the last six years in the state of Georgia. And then he laughed at me: "But you do work for a two-bit rag." Ha ha, Scott.

Scott called me this morning to tell me that they're now exchanging curse words via e-mail. 'Tards. Soon they'll be IM'ing all their friend to let them know not to talk to the other at the spring formal.

"Honey, why are you engaging him?!" I exclaim.
"Because he's wrong!"
"So? Let it go!"
"Well, he shouldn't have attacked you."
"I can take it," I laughed. Ooooh. E-mail words. Big friggin' deal.
"I know you can," he said. "But you know how I am."

Yes. I do know. Despite three years of badgering, he has never once wavered from tossing his boxers in the middle of the hall floor. My husband could survive torture techniques that haven't even been invented yet. John McCain's got nothing on him.

So, undeterred, Scott responded again. "Tell your story to the Associated Press when I am accepting my award this year which I won by practicing what we call JOURNALISM." (Note: but obviously not for his use of good grammar.)


"Look, he did get it wrong," A.C. soothed me as I wrung my hands and gnashed my teeth.
"I know."
"And you can't control what your husband does."
"Yes, I can. I can tighten the leash."
"No, you can't. You know how he is."

Yes. I know.


  1. A.C.'s can't control your husband.

    (she should know)

    (i'm in so much trouble when i get home)

  2. Yes, Jim, you are.
