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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Peter Pan Syndrome

AUGUSTA, GA. - There comes an alarming time in every woman's life when you leave childish things behind and become a grown-up.

I have hit the snooze button on that particular alarm.

Let me give you an example. A.W. and I were driving across town to the drugstore, when we pulled up beside R.B. in her car, at a stoplight, with the window rolled down. We made faces, honked the horn, and generally made our mothers very proud - but because she is more mature than we are, R.B. never even looked over.


We started up Calhoun Expressway, when I had a brilliant idea: "Get Emerson's (clean) panties out of the back seat!"
"Chuck 'em in her window!"
A.W. frantically searched and located the Dora underwear, and we pulled up beside R.B., laughing our asses off.
"THROW THEM!" I shrieked.

She did.

They flew straight back.
I mean, they got NOWHERE near her window.
What's worse, R.B. didn't even notice it.

Obviously we should have paid attention in physics class. But it was much funnier our way. And then, when A.W. went to pick up sushi for dinner last night, what did she see on the side of Calhoun Expressway?

Yes. Emmie's underwear.
"Did you stop and get it?" I asked.
"No. But I thought about it."

She thought about it. I thought about going back to get them. But you know what else I thought about? I thought, maybe if one of us should have thought about Newton's First Law, we wouldn't be in this idiotic position.

And Emmie would have a clean pair of panties.


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