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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Chicken Poop

AUGUSTA, GA. - My mom has a chicken obsession, and has just about everything she could want that is chicken themed... except a live one that actually says "Bok." I love the word "Bok." Bok. Bok. Bok. Bok. Bok. Bok. Bok. Bok. Bok. Bok. Really, it should be the language of diplomacy.

"I'm dying to get my mom a chicken - like, a real one," I say.

"That would be cool... I'd love to see how you get it to Conyers," A.W. replies.

I die laughing: "That would be horrible! Thank you for knocking some sense into me."

"It might be funny though," she continues. "Give you plenty of blog fodder... you know, after it's pecked everybody's eyes out, going down I-20."


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