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Monday, April 21, 2008

Going into Labor

Me: "Do you have any feedback for me on that story, besides the crappy ending?"
A.C.: "I didn't say it was a crappy ending."
Me: "It was a crappy ending... (silence) "You're playing Tetrus over there, aren't you?
A.W.: "She's playing Minesweeper."
A.C.: "I am not! I'm reading your story!"
Me: "Whatever. ... I guess I'll write another story since I ain't done that enough today."
"What? I have some stuff you can do!" T.G. interjects.
Me: "Uh, okay."
A.W.: "What were you going to write?"
Me: "A book review for this book I read," I held up "A Hollywood Ending." Hey, it was a free book that came directly to me in the mail. If it has words, I'll read it.
T.G.: "Oh.. okay..." he sounded nonplussed.
Me: "I mean, I'm sorry I only wrote 10 stories for you this week. I'll try not to slack off so much next week," I retort with dripping sarcasm.
A.W.: "You know T.G.'s not happy unless you're bleeding from the ears!"


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