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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I Have to Stop Watching 'Shaun of the Dead'

So last night I had this dream where I'm standing outside the front of the Metro Spirit talking to my husband, who has pulled up in the clown car to snag the bank card from me, and I look over at the Chronicle's front door just in time to see a man stumbles out of it and falls down.

"Hey, look... do you think he's okay?" I ask Scott, who cranes his neck to see.
Then the man gets up... slowly... in a jerky manner... it reminds me of something.
"Maybe he hit his head," Scott muses, opening his car door. We walk over in the man's direction, intending to check on him when another person walks out beside the man, who is now standing in place, swaying slightly. We can't see them very well, but we're nearing the Confederate monument.

The second person, who I now can see is a woman, moves in the same way as the first. It hits me, right as we get to the edge of the monument - I grab Scott and pull him behind the marble, out of their view.

"Zombies!" I hiss, and he looks at me like I'm crazy. He peeks his head around the corner of the statue's base and watches them for a minute.
"I think they're drunk," he says.
"No! They're not dr - well, maybe," I concede. That's certainly a more plausible explanation than the undead rising from the grave (of journalism).

And then I woke up.

So is that it? Are those the only choices for Chronicle employees? Drunk or zombified?


  1. There's also "lobotomised", "hypnotized" and "brainwashed". Take your pick(s).
