Monday, July 09, 2007
Intern in Africa
So our former intern for The Metro Spirit is working with orphans in Africa, because she is a much better person than I am, and because she leads a much more interesting life. So I'll be posting her semi-regular updates here. Maybe one day she'll send some photos.
From Allegra Yealey, intrepid intern:
Hey, everyone! I'm in an internet cafe in Accra, the capital of Ghana. These past few days have been absolutely AMAZING.
The people I'm working with are great, the locals are friendly, and the country is beautiful. The only downsides have been the conditions we live in- we're living no better than anyone else. Oh, and the food and But I'm having the time of my life- despite all of the places I've been before, nothing is like this. I don't even know how to describe it.

As for being a minority- wow. I've probably seen only about 30 "obrunis" (white people), and that includes the people I'm working with. Everyone is fascinated with our skin- kids will come up to us and touch are skin to see if it feels like theirs. We're also popular with the guys, because I've already been asked to be someone's girlfriend three times. Yesterday was Republic Day, and we spent the afternoon drinking on the beach with what seemed like the ENTIRE population of Accra! It was so fun- there are people and horses and millions of soccer games and music. It's so vibrant, completely unlike the staid populations of Europe.

The volunteers themselves are great- we're American and British, the oldest is 28 (but more fun than someone years younger), and me and a girl named Leah are the young ones. There are 4 medical students who are working in hospitals, one girl who teaches in a school, and the rest of us are working in the orphanage starting next week. It's impossible not to become really close with them- no secrets in a place like this!
I'm completely in love with Ghana. I'm almost surprised at myself- I thought that I'd be lamenting the lack of facilities and the seriously terrible local dishes. Instead I'm marveling in the culture and the land and today I discovered bottled water (as opposed to this bagged water that tastes like mothballs), so I'm really happy with life. However, I have to cut it short because, due to the lack of power here, we have electricity on for a day and a half and then off for a day and a half. Who knows how we'll stay entertained in the dark?!

love to all,
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