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Monday, December 14, 2009

The Princess & the Frog - Redux

"We were listening to NPR and these women were saying that, other than Obama's election, this was the defining moment in their lives, because Disney made a movie about black people," A.C. says.

"ONE black person. The rest of them are animals - and she spends most of the movie as a frog," I say.(Editor's note: that is an exaggeration; the princess's mother and a Voodoo priestess also make appearances)

"Yeah, the prince is...?" A.C. asks.

"From a fictional country. The only black man in the film - her father - is dead," I say.

"Yep," A.C. agrees.

"I don't remember Disney ever making a movie with a black man in it," I say.

"'Song of the South?'" A.W. chimes in.

Me: "Oh, no, you didn't..."


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