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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Emmie's Dream

Tuesday, December 08, 2009 By

"Guess what? I dream dat the all da Toyland and all da Candyland wuz not cool. Dey was UNcool. Dey was RUINED. An' only one fing will get dem change back: I hafta get da RING."

... "Um, what ring, Doodle?"

"Da ring das magic."

I swear she didn't watch "Lord of the Rings."

"What does the ring look like?"

"Iss pink an' yellow. An iss in da apricorn."

"What apricorn?" (She means acorn, and she really means pecans from the tree in our yard... By the way, anyone want some pecans?)

"Da one on da tree?"

"What tree?"

"Da Chrissmass tree."

"And what happens with the ring?"

"Wull, da prince got to get da ring an' wear it. Den da Toyland an' da Candyland will be back to normal! Da king wants da ring, but he say 'No you can't have it!'"

"Den da mice caught Alice and took her away. An' I said, 'Gib her back! I don't want her to get a stone. Just gib her back!'"

"Den brrrrring! Da spell is gone! An' all da toys and all da candy is back to normal. Den it was just a dream, but sumping was up."

"What was up, Doodle?"

"It was da friends! Da helper friends from Toyland! Dey're in my bedroom, an' iss NOT a dream! I wuz da HERO!"

Well, Hollywood, can you do better than that?

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


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