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Friday, March 14, 2008

Why I Didn't Major in Speech Communications

AUGUSTA, GA. - I was a guest speaker yesterday at the Augusta State University Communications Festival. I don't know how I fooled these lovely people into thinking that I had something interesting to say (because I didn't) but they listened politely anyway.

After I sat back down from my rambling monologue that told them really nothing new, the lovely and talented Karen Gordon stood up to say a little about me. Mom, wife, etc., and "She has been described as having 'an electrifying personality' by Dr. Garvey."

Not content to accept what I hope was a compliment and not some roundabout way of saying "Ask your doctor about Ativan," I piped up.

"I hope that doesn't mean that I'm too shocking," I giggled.


"Shocking!" I repeated, despite my Internal Nerd Warning System beeping out a High Alert.


Karen waited a polite moment before moving on to Steven Walpert, who is an actual professional with things to say. I thank everyone for not chucking tomatoes at my head while I was still on stage. It was not my finest moment.


  1. you, Stacey, are the absolute best!

    i had such a great time, and it wasn't until AFTER i totally botched your introduction [trying to be clever] that i was able to relax.

    i think most of the students there were just waiting around for the food.... as evidenced by the mad dash for lo mein right after.

    i must admit though.... the food WAS pretty good.

    and if the COMS fest wasn't enough, you spoke to my class on Monday!!!!


    but then you started talking about meeting deadlines and all that - i just wanted to hear about music and arts... and, most importantly, food.

    it's okay though. deadlines are our friends

  2. teeheehee

    aww shucks

    lovely and talented

    yeah, tha's rite!

    i live here now though....
