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Saturday, August 02, 2008

Do You Facebook?

I don't have a Facebook or myspace account - well... actually, I do, but I forgot the passwords and the old e-mail accounts I used aren't active anymore, so basically there are some dead pages all about me just hanging out in cyberspace all lonely. I just find the sites clunky and slow, and I absolutely hate the load-time some of the amateurish page designs suck out of my computer. I have to sit and stare at the spinning pinwheel of death so that your sad obsession with World of Warcraft or Lara Croft Tomb Raider can load in all of its high-resolution glory?!

Anyway. If one day I decide to use the dreaded social networking sites again, it will be with the help of some of the new streamlining companion applications that have been released. For example, there's an app called Festoon. While you browse the web using Firefox, you can easily access other pages and discussions posted by all 23,761 of your online "friends" related to the topic of the page you are viewing. It does require a Facebook account and the Firefox browser - but if you're still using Explorer, you're not on my friends list anyway.


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