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Saturday, July 11, 2009

For the Last Time: Barak Obama is a U.S. Citizen - So Shut Up Already, Conspiracy Theorists and Sore Losers!

AUGUSTA, GA. - I'm so sick and tired of national and local mouthpieces questioning the status of Barak Obama's citizenship. While I'm not all that happy about his performance so far, choosing this issue upon which to make your stand just shows your ignorance of your own country - and influences me to lean closer to advocating an IQ test for voting rights.

For the last time - not that my blog gets so much readership that it will cause a national collective silence on the matter - Barak Obama is a U.S. citizen, and it doesn't matter where he was born.

According to U.S. law, a person is a U.S. citizen not only if they are born on U.S. soil (a common misconception), but also if they are born to U.S. citizen parents (or, in Obama's case, his mother). In fact, even if he had been born in Indonesia, where he and his mother moved after her second marriage, he would still retain his U.S. citizenship, because his mother is (and was) a citizen of the U.S. But seeing as how he was born in Hawaii (a U.S. state for the members of the "idiocracy" who probably also think that Puerto Rico is a foreign country) to a mother who was a U.S. citizen, whose parents were also U.S. citizens (not necessary, but another level of protection from the Minister of Where People Live in the cabinet of the government of the idiocracy), that means - you guessed - he's a U.S. citizen!

For further proof, refer to the several billion articles on the Internet that discuss how one becomes a U.S. citizen. If you're too lazy to do that, or if you don't know how to do a proper keyword search (using subject-specific neutral keywords like "U.S. citizenship at birth" as opposed to the more psychologically appropriate "Obama not a citizen get him out of office I'm scared of black people"), here are four very reputable links:

1. From the U.S. government

2. From FindLaw
3. From NoLo
4. From Snopes

And, for good measure, a copy of Barak Obama's Hawaii birth certificate.

Now, please, plant your flag of political opposition on the issues, and not on sour grapes served on a platter of congealed fear and panic.


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