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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Bosom Buddies

Thursday, April 02, 2009 By

Sometimes I meet people and think: "This person is awesome! I should know them more. I should invite them to dinner, or whatever something that real adults do to start friendships, and maybe we'll be bosom friends like Anne Shirley and Diana Barry.

And then I snap awake and remember that one can only have bosom friends before one actually has a bosom. So that idea is about 20 years too late...

... So the moment passes, and no one invites anyone anywhere and the friendship never progresses. But out there in the world are some people I like very much, who laugh with me at my self-deprecating jokes instead of widening their eyes and quietly making a note that their children should never be allowed to come over and play with mine. Somewhere out there are intelligent women who don't worry about their weight, who read books more than they watch TV, who care about their effect on other people's lives, and who can say The F-Word and still be classy!

One day, we should all get together.

One day.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


  1. You captured my sentiments exactly ... we should have a girls night out with all that will / can come!
