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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Yeah, I stole this story

A friend's brother, who teaches English in Taiwan now, said that there are tribes of monkeys that live just outside the city in the adjacent jungle. People there live in harmony with them, cause they usually keep to themselves but every now and then they will steal fruit or something

Dale is growing tomatoes on his balcony and woke up one morning to find a tribe of monkeys eating all his crop. He scared them all away with a bamboo pole, except for one: the alpha male. Dale said that he was fricken HUGE - the top of the monkey's head came up to his waist.

The monkey puffed out his chest and barred his teeth and then threw a tomato at Dale - kinda scary considering these things have fangs 1-inch-long. Dale backed off and screamed at the monkey, "Fine! Eat my Fuckin' Tomatoes!" and went inside.

But Alpha monkey didn't eat the tomatoes. Instead, he mocked Dale by throwing them at the sliding glass door for the next 20 minutes until there were no more tomatoes left.