Wednesday, February 22, 2012
You people do not appreciate me nearly enough
Emerson and I were walking across the Georgia Health Sciences University campus, chatting, on the way to my car. She's in a goofy mood and repeatedly head-butts me in the butt.
"Doodle, cut it out. You're bruising my bootie!"
She laughs. "Okay, mama. Wull, tell me a story, then."
"Okay.... how about a joke? Knock-knock."
"Who's der?"
"Impatient cow."
"Impatient -" "MOOO!"
She stops and shakes her head at me, with a wry grin. "Tomorrow? Bring a better joke."
"Hey, that was a good joke!" I protest.
"No," she giggles.
"Yes, it was."
"Wull, maybe a little bit funny."
"Okay, it was pretty good."
"Well, thanks so much."

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