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Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Potty Break

Tuesday, November 30, 2004 By , No comments

I am adrift in the land of Nod, clinging to that last hour of sleep like a drowning man to a lifeboat. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I feel the dogs begin to stir. They walk around on the bed, avoiding my husband (he’ll knock them off the bed), and trying to decide if they’re getting up, or just changing their sleeping positions. At some point, Barkley makes his decision, and begins a dialogue with himself: Potty time. Mommy sleep. Mommy no like wake before beep-beep monster make us to howl. I no go potty in house... I no go potty on bed.

She roll over.
nose in ear!
She pull covers over head.
nose in butt!
Ouch. How she hit without wake up?
can’t wait! what to do! I have to - !


Blearily, I open my eyes. Why, Hello, Barkley... um, are those your teeth on my nose? He’s holding my nose with his teeth! Just holding, not biting, and panting excitedly. I get the message.


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