Tuesday, January 31, 2006
The Rapture
For everyone concerned about my sanity, let me just say that it would ever so much more stable if I could rid myself of the nascent news-siphon that is Brangelina’s baby, henceforth nicknamed “The Christ Child.” I am starved, I tell you, starved for...
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Epistolary Confessions
Dear Penny -I am writing to apologize to you. I feel like I have wronged you horribly. I know that on several occasions, I have made shameless fun of you for your enjoyment of George Michael.Now I must confess: I love George Michael, too. I have long...
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Nobody Home
Scott and I have another ongoing argument that goes something like this:“Where’s the phone?”“I dunno. You had it last.”“No, I didn’t. You did. Where did you leave it?”The phone is in the bedroom and we freaking never hear it ring. So every time we do...
Thursday, January 05, 2006
WAY Beyond Thunderdome
Me: So how’s Sarah’s little boy, Owen?Ginny: He’s the cutest baby in the world.Me: Um, excuse me, my baby is the cutest baby in the world.Ginny: I think Sarah might have something to say about that.Me: Uh-oh, Cage Match! Two baby enter; one baby le...