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Saturday, February 26, 2005

If you see this man, give him a hug

Saturday, February 26, 2005 By , 1 comment

Scott decided to go to the store with both the dog and the baby. He must have had a head injury to do that. After he dropped Scrabble at Petsmart for a nail trim and flea bath, he went to Wal-Mart. Emerson helped him look for shoes by screaming the entire time.

"I finally went over to the baby section, tore open a package of pacifiers, and shoved on in her mouth. This pregnant lady was looking at me like I was desperate."

I wish I could follow him around with a video camera. It must be hysterical to watch.


  1. What mother hasn't done that! I've paid for opened packages of pacifiers, milk, juice, toddler crackers, lollipops, you name it!
